Welcome to Fresh Game Studio!

1741 + confetti to clean up!


Our challenge

APG was struggling with decision-making and decisiveness. Together, we turned one of our existing serious games into an exciting game about decision-making.

Our approach

Together with APG, we set out what decision-making means in practice. We distilled multiple behaviors from this, which we simulated in the serious game.

  • In the story, the YNG Bank is hacked. Players are given ten minutes to make several choices under high pressure and with little information. In doing so, they learned that it is possible to make solid decisions with little information. Later, they were challenged to do the same under high pressure.
  • The game was built on top of our existing game, Blindspot. This allowed us to quickly and efficiently test our solution.

The result

During the debriefing, players said things like, “This also always happens in practice.” They were challenged to formulate desirable behavior together.