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Learn to work with a fact based mindset?

Many organizations are currently in the midst of a digital transformation. Your organization or department might be as well. If so, you no doubt recognize the following challenges:

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Do you recognize these challenges?

You have plenty of available data, but how do you get from raw data to usable knowledge? And how do you use the data you have to support decision-making processes?

Your organization may still lack experience working with data, making it feel awkward to make data-based decisions. How can you neutralize employees’ hesitancy when it comes to working with data?

Incidents or so-called “n=1 situations” receive (too) much attention within your organization.

Key features Analysis Paralysis

 Creates Awareness

Creates Awareness

Create awareness by learning what constitutes a fact-based mindset and what the most common pitfalls are

 Learn and Experiment

Learn and Experiment

Learn and experiment with new skills in a unique gaming context

 Play together remotely

Play together remotely

Cooperate with between three and five colleagues to arrive at a shared solution

 Initiate the conversation

Initiate the conversation

Players’ joint experience is a great starting point for a conversation about how your organization uses data

 Have fun!

Have fun!

Play the game and discover the story in no more than 45 minutes!

How does Analysis Paralysis raise awareness of how a fact-based mindset can assist decision-making processes?

How does Analysis Paralysis raise awareness of how a fact-based mindset can assist decision-making processes?

Help! A business crisis! It is up to the team to use the facts well to solve this crisis. Which sources can and can’t be trusted? An extensive post-game debriefing guarantees that insights are shared. Some can be put into practice right away, to everyone’s benefit.


More information

What other organisations say about: Analysis Paralysis

Gameplay Analysis Paralysis

Gameplay Analysis Paralysis

Analysis Paralysis was set up as a “digital escape room.” In this escape room, players cooperate in teams of between three and five people to solve a business crisis. (It’s useful here to know that this digital game can easily be played from home.) The supporting video-conferencing software of your choice ensures an optimal player experience for players playing from the comfort of their home.



Intrigued? Nice! Let’s get in touch! To share a cup of coffee, to catch up on your organization’s latest developments, or for a brainstorming session (free from any obligation, of course). See you soon!

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